Audio Tour of Vela Spila

Enjoy these 11 audio clips designed to help you understand some of the stories Vela Spila has to tell as you visit.
They are FREE to download to your device and to listen to as often as you like.
Click on the image or the text and then click on   to download each one.

Each clip lasts for about 3 minutes to give you a tour of 30 minutes.

Currently available only in Croatian, English and German.

Volunteers to translate the tour or to record it in other languages should contact ArchaeoLink.

Walk with care in the cave

the ground can be slippery.

Click here to Download in English with IMAGES.
Click here to Download in Croatian with IMAGES
Click here to Download in German

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VS1 Welcome to Vela Spila ... the sea was not always in view.

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VS2 As we go down the slope we go back in time.

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VS3 20,000 years ago most of Europe was under ice.

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VS3b The making of fired clay figurines suddenly stopped.

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VS4 The layers of sediment help us understand the history of the cave.

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VS4b 11,000 years ago, Korcula became an island and people consumed a lot of fish.

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VS5 The cave was used for burials.

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VS6 Children were buried here.

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VS6b New ideas and new ways of life came to the area.

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VS7 The cave was used for penning animals.

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VS8 There is still so much to dig ... so many questions to answer.

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This Audio Tour is created from information available in the following research papers:

2014 Cristiani E, Farbstein R, Miracle PT, Ornamental traditions in the Eastern Adriatic: The Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic personal adornments from Vela Spila (Croatia). Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, v36, pp21-31. 
2014 Miracle PT, O'Connor T, Rainsford CFishing in the Adriatic at the Mesolithic–Neolithic transition: Evidence from Vela Spila, Croatia. Environmental Archaeology. v9(3) pp311-320.
014 Mihanovi? H, Sikora M, Vilibi? I. Paleo-coastline of the Central Eastern Adriatic Sea, and Paleo-Channels of the Cetina and Neretva rivers during the last glacial maximum. Acta Adriatica. v55(1) pp3-18.
2013 Forenbaher S, Kaiser T, Miracle PT, Dating the East Adriatic Neolithic. European Journal of Archaeology v16 (4) pp589–609.
2012 Brajkovic? D, Farbstein R, Miracle PT, Radic? D, First Epigravettian Ceramic Figurines from Europe (Vela Spila, Croatia). PLoS ONE v7(7): e41437.
2010 Lightfoot E, Miracle PT, O’Connell T, Radic? D, S?laus M, Stable Isotope Analysis of Human Diets during the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods at Vela Spila Cave, Korc?ula UDK 903.3 (497.5 Korc?ula).
2010 Miracle PT, Radi? D, Wallduck RTreatment of the Dead in the Late Mesolithic: Reconstructing Taphonomic Histories of Human Remains from Vela Spila, CroatiaUDK: 393 (497.5 Vela s?pilja).
2005 Forenbaher S, Miracle PT, The Spread of Farming in the Eastern Adriatic. Antiquity v79 pp514-528.